About Us


The social cooperative

Founded on solid experience in the reception sector, the Cooperative manages services for international protection seekers, offering personalized assistance, psychological support, linguistic-cultural mediation services and more. Since 2018, it also manages facilities for C.A.S. and S.A.I. Services in agreement with the Prefecture of Brescia. The linguistic-cultural mediation service, in particular, promotes the integration of immigrants with local service networks, overcoming cultural and language barriers. In recent years, the Cooperative has broadened its scope, developing social housing projects and managing housing for the autonomy of young adults. A special focus is placed on minors, with a semiresidential day educational center for preadolescents and adolescents. As an accredited body, the Cooperative is also involved in the provision of services related to the "social inclusion pact" for citizenship income beneficiaries. The Cooperative's mission is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live in dignity, fostering individual empowerment and social cohesion. "Un Sole Per Tutti" is committed to human promotion, autonomy support and integration of citizens at risk of social exclusion, through the management of social-community and educational services and the implementation of international projects to prevent irregular migration.