Social Housing

In the current socio-economic context marked by fragmentation of social ties and partial welfare responses, the issue of housing becomes crucial. Recently, an increasing number of people have been in need of housing. Our Cooperative is committed to providing a dignified life for beneficiaries, fostering thesocial inclusion andintegration of individuals and families at risk of marginalization. We believe that the right to housing, like the right to health, should be universally recognized.

Our accommodations are located at 8 Via Lodovico Balardini in Brescia, including one two-room and one three-room apartment.

To achieve this goal, we adopt the "Housing First" model, based on the following principles:

  • Freedom of housing choice for beneficiaries, preferably in housing distributed throughout the territory.
  • Contribution to rental costs, with occupancy of housing limited to the period necessary to achieve adequate independence.
  • Distinction between the right to housing and support for the path to autonomy.
  • Self-determination of beneficiaries in following treatments, except for mandatory weekly visits.
  • Creating a network to connect beneficiaries with institutions and the local community.

The provision of social housing is aimed at people or families in socio-housing difficulties, with prospects for autonomy in the short to medium term.

Our educational approach begins with thereception of the beneficiary and is developed through a personalized path, created by the Social Service and led by a multidisciplinary team. This path is shared with all project participants: the sending agency, the beneficiary and the Cooperative. Each educational plan begins with ananalysis of the beneficiary'sresources and needs, establishing priorities, goals and methods of implementation.

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