Creating relationships in prison

Creating relationships in prison

Language-cultural mediation practices and new forms of care

Friday, March 22
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

University of Brescia

Department of Law
Calini Palace at the Rivers
Classroom 5, ground floor
Entrance at 58 Delle Battaglie Street or 41 San Faustino Street
Organizes the Social Cooperative Project Reception & Integration - A Sunshine for All
The day aims to examine the crucial role of linguistic-cultural mediation in facilitating communication and understanding between inmates and caregivers, promoting a new form of personal care.
Facilitators of the T.I.R./L.S.R. method and linguistic-cultural mediators will present the Cooperative's experience of helping inmates cope with traumatic experiences through the use of these tools to promote their emotional recovery.

Manuele Colosio, Corriere della Sera journalist, will moderate the debate.

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